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Live at your Healthy Weight!
Read Kelly's book to Lose Weight for Life.
How many times have you heard people say...
"Weight Loss is Mental?"

This Amazing New Book addresses the mental aspect of weight loss by
teaching you an easy mental formula to use as a blueprint for releasing
easy and permanent.

Quit losing and regaining the same weight over and over again!

Why can some people eat whatever they choose without gaining weight?
They know the Life is Mental Secret

Do you dislike exercise so much that you do not exercise at all?
You are probably getting exercise everyday that you can easily increase

Are you depriving yourself of your favorite foods on rigid diets like the
Atkins Diet and the Southbeach Diet?
Depriving yourself of your favorite foods is many times a set up for binging

Are you starving yourself on multiple diets only to gain the weight back
after ending the diet?
Starving yourself is a recipe for more weight gain

Can you see yourself as a thin person?
You will only be able to achieve what you can believe about yourself

Kelly trained clients in her private psychotherapy practice to use the Life is Mental Formla
for weight release...NOW You can learn this effective mental formula by reading her book!

The secret is simple. It is common sense, but not common practice. Kelly shares
the Thinking Thin secret
in her book, Life is Mental: Think Thin to Live Thin. Buy the
and discover the secret to easy weight loss.

Read it, Think it, and LIVE it!

Watch Kelly talk about the
Life is Mental book and training in the recent
Channel 2 News Interview
looking great in your jeans. Picture yourself at your perfect weight.

As you read this website, you will want to join all the other Thin Thinkers and buy the book to

learn this information now!
The Think Thin book will teach you...

New Cognitive Techniques to Create more Effective Thinking for Healthy Slim

New Behavioral Skills that will Easily become new Daily Habits to Help you Drop
the Weight

Just imagine...
Your weight loss will seem effortless because you learn only one or two new skills each week
for eight weeks. This is so simple.

These are the same habits that naturally thin people use. The book will give you the training
and tools you need to reach your healthy weight and keep it off for life.
This is the best $20
you have ever spent!

Buy the book NOW...
Living Thin is Mental.
It is a Lifestyle of Choices.

Let Kelly teach you how to make these healthy choices an easy daily habit!
Kelly's Life is Mental Training has been featured on Fox
News and publications like American Baby Magazine and
Success For Women!
Here is what people are saying about Kelly's book:
Cherie Burch
Area Manager
Curves - SW Group
Ricardo Salinas, MD
(Harvard Medical School trained physician)
"Stallings' does a wonderful job of presenting a unique approach to long term weight management. The book
is brilliantly organized and each concept is reinforced throughout. I think more physicians should recommend
this book to their patients seeking a healthier lifestyle."
In "Think Thin to Live Thin", Kelly Stallings presents the perfect "one-two punch" in order to
create a lifelong transformation in our bodies. In order for any real and permanent change to
happen, we need to address our beliefs, otherwise, we're just wasting time. Kelly teaches us
how to accomplish this with purpose and clarity. Next, we need the right action steps to put
our beliefs into motion and to start creating the change we want. Again, Kelly masters the
presentation of simple and effective strategies and tips to help us quickly achieve the results
we're looking for. Excellent book!
Dr. Colleen Trombley
"Kelly's book offers a easy to follow step-by-step program that has you feeling more positive and motivated in
no time! One step builds on the other so you do not feel overwhelmed and you start to finally realize "I can do
this!" Many people can lose weight, but staying motivated to keep it off tends to be the real challenge. The key
is changing the way you think and Kelly's book can teach everyone how to take the right steps!"

How to Eat what you Choose and Release Weight

How to Eat Consciously & Naturally Cut Calories
without missing them

How to Identify and Change Ineffective Thinking that
is keeping you overweight

How to Feel Good about your Body

How to Increase the Exercise you are
already doing
Don't put yourself through another crazy diet...
As a psychotherapist, Kelly has trained many private clients with her Life is Mental Formula to
increase their health and happiness. Now Kelly's formula is available for everyone in her new

For only $19.95, the
Life is Mental: Think Thin to Live Thin book gives you all the information
that you need to start dropping pounds.
The Think Thin to Live Thin book will walk you through
easy to understand techniques to create thin thinking and slim down for life. This easy to follow
book gets right to the point teaching you these easy techniques that start working instantly.
Click here to read more testimonials!
You will learn…
There is no fluff in this program.

Release the weight for the last time....and enjoy your slim healthy body for life.

Quit obsessing about your excess weight whether it is 10 pounds or 110 pounds. Buy Kelly's book now
Learn to Think Thin!
Order the Life is Mental Coaching CD Set to coach yourself
through the training and as a tool to use if you need a little boost
through challenging times.

Enroll in Life is Mental Coaching. Tele-coaching is easy and
affordable.Take advantage of the FREE session to get you

Connect with Kelly on facebook and twitter for daily inspiration.
Need support while you learn and use these new skills?
Connect with Kelly to be coached through the program
Kelly has made a short coaching audio just for you!

Motivation Now! will keep you motivated. Listen to it daily on your iPod and your computer to
feel motivated and excited to reach your goals.

Use this audio gift anytime you need a boost.
Motivation Now! will get you through a food
challenge, motivate you to move your booty, and boost your mood within minutes!

Register for the Life is Mental eZine to keep up with new tips and techniques from Kelly and
Kelly is going to send you this FREE gift for registering... Motivation Now!
Life is Mental members will also receive special offers,
invitations and discounts. You can cancel at any time.
Yours FREE... Motivation Now! MP3
Order the book and decide to make a lifelong change.

Let weight loss become easy.

Don't starve yourself! Don't live on the cabbage soup diet! It's time to
lose weight for life...

Buy the Book and Learn to Think Thin to Live Thin!
Life is Mental l 10223 Broadway, Ste. P327 l Pearland l TX 77584
© 2011 Kelly Stallings. All rights reserved.

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